**With exception to specialty orders**
Unless your order has a shipper by special request, FedEx, UPS, USPS tracking information should be sent to your e-mail address (if provided) with-in 24 hours (M-F), please note however that the tracking # will not become active until the shipment leaves our facility. If there are any problems, concerns, or questions please e-mail: info@kanjospecd.com. We will respond with help as soon as possible (usually with-in 24 hours) on regular business days M-F. All parts may take 1-5 business days to ship unless stated otherwise on our website or social media accounts. We strive to get all orders pulled, packed, and shipped quickly and accurately.
Kanjo Spec.D LLC. cannot guarantee that your order will be shipped the day on which it is placed. We will make every attempt to ship your order within five (5) business days. In order to avoid delays, your order may be shipped in multiple shipments at our discretion. We will attempt to contact you within 24 hours M-F if any of the items you order are on back-order with an estimated date when we can ship the item.
Cancellations are not allowed for this specialty made to order item.
You cannot cancel an order after it ships. If you refuse any package from Kanjo Spec.D or are not available to receive a package within the three delivery attempts FedEx, UPS or USPS, makes you responsible for shipping charges for the package coming back to Kanjo Spec.D.